Rural marae to get emergency first aid equipment, training | Te Ao Māori News

With the nearest medical assistance half an hour away, Whakatōhea people are preparing themselves to deal with medical emergencies.
Heretaunga Marae Waakainga collected news stories and archive from around Aotearoa New Zealand.
With the nearest medical assistance half an hour away, Whakatōhea people are preparing themselves to deal with medical emergencies. Keep Reading
Te Rau Allen speaks to us regarding Te Ropu Poa's recent letter of resignation & the good work she lead, through lockdown Keep Reading
Haami Piripi speaks about the recent political announcements, specifically regarding the PGF & the benefits for the North Keep Reading
Moko Tepania speaks about the survey out there asking the community about how our council should be elected Keep Reading
A Māori academic is concerned too many matauranga Māori projects are being led by Pākehā. Keep Reading
The Auckland District Māori Council has issued warrants to 51 new wardens in a ceremony designed to highlight the contributions of the committed... Keep Reading
Researchers are calling for more studies of rongoa Māori as a treatment for diabetes. Keep Reading
Wellington's Kia Mau Festival, the Māoriland Film Festival, Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, and Te Matatini 2021 in Tāmaki Makaurau will... Keep Reading
Huhana Pirini speak with Pā about the sporting results over the weekend & the school holidays Keep Reading
A familiar face is returning to the small screen. Keep Reading
Adoption of kaupapa Māori principles may help reshape New Zealand agribusiness to survive in the post-COVID landscape. Keep Reading
A business park is coming to Ngāwhā. Keep Reading
The current protests over names and statues isn’t about erasing history, writes Kennedy Warne. They’re awakening us to a side of history that’s been ignored and suppressed. Keep Reading
More than 20 creatives from across Aotearoa are coming together to launch a new online collection of multimedia and video art. Keep Reading
Henare Kingi joins us to speak about the Te Taitokerau candidates, & the approach Kelvin has taken towards tourism in the North Keep Reading
Nellie Johnstone talks about this whānau-based online course to learn te reo Māori & how whānau can apply to take part Keep Reading
Associate Health Minister Peeni Henare says a new funding round for kaupapa Māori primary mental health and addiction services will encourage... Keep Reading
New Zealand author Steff Green has created a free scholarship programme to allow disabled writers and writers of colour to take her new online course, How... Keep Reading
A leading Māori demographer is pushing back at a new political party based on casting doubt on the COVID-19 public health response. Keep Reading
Horowhenua iwi are furious their rohe has been excluded from new limits on water pollution. Keep Reading
Bay of Plenty iwi Ngāti Rangitihi and Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little have initialled a deed of settlement for historic treaty claims. Keep Reading
Mika is marking the 20th anniversary of his first te reo Māori album Mika Haka by rereleasing it on all major streaming services. Keep Reading
The programme will inform the 26-year-old's medical research project on how effective circuit-based exercise could be for Pacific Islands communities. Keep Reading
Dr Michelle Dickinson aka Nanogirl is on a mission to bring science into Aotearoa homes. Keep Reading
Kaumātua, the disabled and whānau at risk have another way to ensure their safety with alarm pendants made by Whanganui-based company GPSOS Ltd. Keep Reading